Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kill the Mentality

Dear Diary,

Hi, darling~ How are you? Have you been busy recently? I don't know where are you working now and in fact I don't even know do you have a job currently, but all the best!!!!!!!

If you've found a job, GOOD!!! Work hard on it!!!!!

If you haven't, remember that Rev. Yu had mentioned before
not to be afraid and TRUST in God because
He is working behind the scene...
Give Him some time and wait for the time to come~

So, what is my post today about... You know, when you go to a supermarket, beside seeing rows and rows of cans, packet drinks, variety of biscuits, soap powders and whatever you'll see in there~ Don't expect me to mention EVERYTHING you can see or else this post would end up like a 1000+ words essay... 

Just like to share this picture to you because I think it's kinda pretty and it does attract my eyes... I hope it still has the same effect on you now~

I went to Econsave with mum...
(the one near my brother's maths tuition centre) 
And I took the picture above with my Nokia...
Notice anything strange in this picture?

Things are not in the place where it should be... Quite common in this country, yay? Can you see that plastic bag in the picture, right? You know what's in it? FISH!!!! Imagine what will happen if the shopkeepers didn't notice it until a week later!!! Eeww >~< I apologize if I cause you to throw out your breakfast... or lunch... or dinner...

I'm not saying it is the fault of the supermarket, I'm saying that we, Malaysian have a very unique mentality... Note that it is not ALL Malaysian I'm referring to, don't get me wrong~ C'mon, how long would it takes to put back the things where it belongs? Days? Hours? NO!! Minutes... or even maybe seconds!!!!!!

You know, my lecturer has a foreign friend who once describe Malaysian as Mr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, because when on the street we would flash a smile and ask "Apa khabar" to each other, while on the road, we are like MONSTERS rushing here and there, cut to this lane then cut to that lane, horning as if like greetings to all the other drivers... Luckily not much tourist would shop our supermarket or else who knows what other names they would give us...

Before I publish this post, I would like to share a video on my latest discover... These Korean dancing divas are called Black Queen.
Every moves these hot chicks made were so energetic and full of LIFE!!! Love them 

tata >0<

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